Kalyan's views

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Showing posts with label Health views. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health views. Show all posts

Monday, 27 November 2017

Health views.

Hi friends!
In my last post, I tried to give you  some  ideas about how  does our body survive and function. Almost  all from us know  about it but still we become sick. We know  everything about how  to eat, how long to sleep, how much time one should use for workouts etc., etc. Plenty of  us also know about how much alcohol we should consume. We know  everything, but still we fall sick making all our  knowledge is  useless.

I cited the above examples only to say that health is our wealth and there is no doubt about it. Becoming sick is a matter of shame, as you become a concern for everybody who cares for you. Being sick, on the one hand you suffer the pain and on the other you involve your whole family in it leaving the aspect of the fat expenditure. Medical treatment  is very  expensive the world over. Affording cost of treatment on today is only within the  capacity  of the  reach, the middle class  bears it with great  difficulty and for the poor, it may be devastating.

It is true  that  health is wealth  as money can't  buy health. More over illness  does not discriminate between the reach and the poor. The pain also does not discriminate between  the rich and the poor. For  the poor, he needs  medical  treatment coupled with  God's blessings.

In any way  you  go, you will  find a ruthless and most indiciplined style of living  without  caring for any health formula or health knowledge. Thing is this that we know  everything and advise  others instead of applying the same thing to ourselves.This becomes a selfdeceiving issue.

If you deprive your health, for sure, your health will punish you. It requires  nothing more or nothing less. It is a very  simple post but very important as a reminder to some of us.

I have to conclude here for today. Very  soon I will  come  before you with another post and till then  bye from me.
My thanks and regards  for you all.
Kalyan Ghosh.