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Showing posts with label Health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health tips. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Health tips

Hi friends!
In continuation  to my yesterday's post, I would  like to add this post also. I my last posts,  it was  evident that  my role as a post creator was not independent and impartial as I wrote definitely promoting organic medicines. Being sincere, I would like  to say that I personally use some specific organic medicines for some chronic conditions and I get results  also.
But one thing is here and that is time, here the time is very long but it cures from the root.  These organic medicines  perhaps cannot promise magical cures. One has to wait for  long. For urgent relief, you should look at alopathic medicines and this is for sure. I also follow  this rule. But,  I have a different  view  about organic beauty products. If chosen  rightly from the right source,  this  can produce  better results with time.

I admit that at times, I promote organics because of a compulsion and I hope you also understand that. One thing  for sure,  I shall never present anything misleading  before  you.

Now,  I will request you to  check  the beauty products of Dr. AISears, MD. See his medical explanations and I hope you may be convinced.

In my next  post, I will try a different  topic but of course  related to  health.  This  may take 3/4 days to be ready for this.

                            The URL to access below:

I have  to conclude here for today and till  then bye from me.
My regards  for you all.
Kalyan Ghosh