Hi friends!
In today's world, you will find hardly anyone who does not remain anxious. Everywhere, you will find people being tormented by anxiety. This is because of stiff competition for survival and no one is happy with whatever he has. He needs more and to get this more, he has to fight and fighting and fighting he becomes tired. If anyone achieves his target then it is all fine and those who could not do it, they become hopeless and dives into anxiety.
I have just spoken about one aspect. There are other several reasons that people go into an anxious state of mind. It may be a social reason, one may be anxious because of some issues in his family, may be because of some problems in a relationship, may be the outcome of some financial problems etc.
If you observe, you will find that all of us are becoming too impatient. Whatever problems we face, we want an instantaneous solution. We don't give time to the issue for analysis and to think whether it is achievable or not. Too much pressure comes from within the family to lift the living standard. So pressure from everywhere and he is the lone man to meetup and he becomes tired and anxious. This revolves in a cycle and you will have to run after it as long as you are physically fit.But for you to remain too anxious for a long time, may creep in another psychological problem and that may be a difficult issue to solve.
What I feel that you are the owner of yourself. You should love yourself most. Give some good time to you. Interact with your good friends with a free mind. If you love music then listen to some music of your choice. Keep your brain clutterfree for some hours.Dont allow anxiety to come in. Don't lament for the things you could not achieve. The Almighty has given you enough power and the right thing will come to you at the right time. Also understand that everything is not meant for everybody.
Remain in solitude for at least an hour. Being in solitude does not mean that you are unsocial. Dive deep into you mind and search for peace there.At least this much you can do for yourself. If you do for sometime, your mind will calm down and you will be able to keep anxiety away.
I would like to conclude here today. Hope to see you with another article soon and till such time, bye from me. My regards to you all.
Kalyan Ghosh.
In today's world, you will find hardly anyone who does not remain anxious. Everywhere, you will find people being tormented by anxiety. This is because of stiff competition for survival and no one is happy with whatever he has. He needs more and to get this more, he has to fight and fighting and fighting he becomes tired. If anyone achieves his target then it is all fine and those who could not do it, they become hopeless and dives into anxiety.
I have just spoken about one aspect. There are other several reasons that people go into an anxious state of mind. It may be a social reason, one may be anxious because of some issues in his family, may be because of some problems in a relationship, may be the outcome of some financial problems etc.
If you observe, you will find that all of us are becoming too impatient. Whatever problems we face, we want an instantaneous solution. We don't give time to the issue for analysis and to think whether it is achievable or not. Too much pressure comes from within the family to lift the living standard. So pressure from everywhere and he is the lone man to meetup and he becomes tired and anxious. This revolves in a cycle and you will have to run after it as long as you are physically fit.But for you to remain too anxious for a long time, may creep in another psychological problem and that may be a difficult issue to solve.
What I feel that you are the owner of yourself. You should love yourself most. Give some good time to you. Interact with your good friends with a free mind. If you love music then listen to some music of your choice. Keep your brain clutterfree for some hours.Dont allow anxiety to come in. Don't lament for the things you could not achieve. The Almighty has given you enough power and the right thing will come to you at the right time. Also understand that everything is not meant for everybody.
Remain in solitude for at least an hour. Being in solitude does not mean that you are unsocial. Dive deep into you mind and search for peace there.At least this much you can do for yourself. If you do for sometime, your mind will calm down and you will be able to keep anxiety away.
I would like to conclude here today. Hope to see you with another article soon and till such time, bye from me. My regards to you all.
Kalyan Ghosh.