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Saturday, 20 January 2018

Performance is all

Hi freinds!
By nature,we all like performances. If you cannot perform, you have no place to stand anywhere.If you are outperformed in a competition, you are humiliated. If you look at the school
going children, you will see that they are always overstressed because of their performance in the exams.Their parents do not want to see them stand second. They must stand first, come what may.

This situation is seen everywhere and in this the children
cannot blossom with other human qualities. An irrepairable
damage is being done to them. Still we cannot withstand anything other than being first always and everywhere and
in every walk of life.

Think, that this compitition begins unfortunately from the very childhood and it goes on and on. We have made our
mindset in such a way that we cannot accept anything other
than being first. Being second or third or fourth is so so and
nothing impressive.

This compitiveness prevails everywhere, in every walk of life.
Be it sports, education, job market, musical world, and what not. We know that this will prevail for long and this is not going to change in future.

One thing I feel about it and that is - first is first always and they are always extraordinary. In all the developmental works, firsts are firsts and they are always prefered and engaged. Firsts are always needed and welcome but not everyone comes with first class intelligence and they are few but the world rolls on with the mass under the leadership of the firsts. This is admitted.

To-day, I will end here before it is made too long. Thanks for
your patience and bye for now. My regards for you all,

Kalyan Ghosh.

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