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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Health plan.

Hi friends!
Please know that health is wealth which I told you in my  post made on yesterday. If you  have a good health, you will have a sound health also, as these are  co-related. Illness swaps all energy and confidence in  a man's life. A good health always gives power and energy to  handle stress. When your  body with it's organs performs well, you can think that both your body and mind are safe and sound.

Health should be your top priority. If you have  a bad health, you cannot achieve anything in life smoothly as you will be always busy with your distressed health.

To keep your  health fit,  you should  also do something from your  end instead  of depending on doctors or medications. You should  always try to do regular workouts.  If you like, you can do yoga's also. Yogas can help you to a big extent. Excluding this, you should be very careful about your diet and this I wrote yesterday also.

You should  design your breakfast with plenty  of fibre. Always avoid oily and fatty foods. This  may damage  your heart in the long run. It is heard that  this may cause  obesity in you also. You must also avoid smoking and consumption of tobacco in any form. You must  avoid alcohol abuse also. I can name a lot but I dont want to as I am sure you know all, and perhaps more.

One thing I would like to say in a different  tone,  whether you believe or not, your  life is God's best gift to you. It is unparalleled and always  will  be. There may be no second chance also. Your life is so valuable that you shouldn't  allow  a single day unutilised and moreover there may be some dependents on you.

So, friends, don't take health lightly. I will have to conclude here for today and till then, bye from me.
My thanks and regards for you.
Kalyan Ghosh.

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